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Library Legacy Society

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Library Legacy Society

Bob and Jackie Houck's love for the library was unrivaled.  Bob's idea to create the Library Foundation was fueled by the desire to ensure that future generations were able to enjoy the benefits and services that the Library District provided.  After Jackie's passing and upon his death, Bob left the majority of his estate to the Library  Foundation.  The Library Legacy Society has been created to allow the Library Foundation to celebrate the passionate and committed library lovers like Bob and Jackie.

The Library Legacy Society recognizes donors who have made a planned or deferred gift to the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation. These gifts demonstrate an abiding commitment to the Library's mission in our community.

It can also benefit you and your loved ones as it can reduce income, gift and estate taxes; secure a source of cash flow for the rest of your life; and/or reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes.

A planned or deferred gift is a present decision to make a future gift, evidence by a legal contract.(i.e; will, trust, p.o.d) This can be done by including the Library foundation as a beneficiary in your will, retirement asset, life insurance  or by creating an endowment. 

These gifts demonstrate an abiding commitment to the Library's mission in our community and to provide an enduring benefit for generations yet to come.

For a copy of the Library Legacy brochure please feel free contact us at foundation@stchlibrary.org or click here.

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