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Gifts in Action

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Since its inception, the Foundation has helped fund enhancements to the district’s already excellent tax-funded services. Most recently through the 2018 Imagine Gala Fund-A-Need, $50,421 was raised to fund new Interactive Early Literacy Spaces in two of our Library locations. Over the last year, our team has been hard at work creating amazing spaces for youth in our community. 

Two branches, Kisker Road and Middendorf-Kredell, were selected to receive the new early literacy spaces. Kisker Road was chosen due to their centralized location and proximity to the new and popular Veterans Tribute Park. Middendorf-Kredell is also centrally located and is our busiest branch, averaging around 50-60 attendees at their early literacy classes!

The children's area at Kisker Road branch got a fresh coat of paint and new kid height shelving was installed. There are also fun interactives such as blue building blocks, a train table, an alphabright, a wind tunnel, a free standing six sided garden interactive, and two 55” interactive touch screens with early literacy apps on them for the kids to learn and have fun.

The Middendorf-Kredell branch includes a baby garden space for our youngest customers. There are many fun learning and interactive items that further enhance the improvements to our children’s area. 

The spaces are now open and we hope you will visit them today!



kid with glasses reading books
Your Gift Can Help
Make Sure that Every
Child is Ready to Read!


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