We've Moved! Please Visit stchlibrary.org/foundation for more updated information
The St. Charles community has experienced amazing growth in recent years, and with that growth comes increased demands on the Library District and the services and opportunities it provides for residents. To help support the increased needs, the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation was established as a tax-deductible 501(c)3 public charity in 1999. The Foundation supports the programs, services, literary arts, and educational purposes of the St. Charles City-County Library District.
As the Library seeks to expand services for an ever-growing community, the Library Foundation partners with private donors to support programs and resources not covered by tax dollars. Funding provided by the Foundation complements but does not replace the tax dollars which fund basic library programs and services.
With a focus on community outreach, early literacy and lifelong learning, the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation builds upon a solid tradition of service to St. Charles County, while planning for the future. An investment in the Library Foundation is an investment in the St. Charles community and one that we will all benefit from for generations.
St. Charles City-County Library Foundation Mission: We raise funds beyond tax dollar support to build a stronger library in service to our community.