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Adults Gale Excel Online High School Diploma

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Adults Can Earn a High School Diploma Through the Library


For approximately 16,000 adults in St. Charles County without a high school diploma, a library card just became much more valuable. The St. Charles City-County Library is now accepting adult applicants to complete high school through a tuition-free accredited online program.

Excel Adult High School is offered by the Library, with support from the State of Missouri and the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation. Library cardholders age 18 and older can earn a high school diploma - not a GED - while also receiving college or career planning assistance. Every Excel student will have access to a personal coaching team and unlimited live tutoring, provided through the program at no cost. Translation tools are built into each online class so English language learners can read content in both English and their native language. In addition, the Library Foundation will provide each Excel student with a Chromebook computer for the duration of the program.

St. Charles County residents who are interested may now apply for limited spaces. Those who are accepted are given 24 months to finish 21.5 credits, requiring approximately 8-10 hours per week of self-paced online study time. If participants have high school credits, or have completed portions of the GED, HiSET, or TASC, those credits can be transferred to help satisfy graduation requirements.

“The Library is committed to helping customers build successful lives, families, and communities,” says Library Director Jason Kuhl. “By offering opportunities to adults who have aged out of public school, we are providing the means to reach educational and career goals that can help them now and in the future.”

To learn more about Excel Adult High School, please visit myLibrary.org/Excel