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Ways to Give

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Gifts to the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation make it possible for us to supplement and maximize the Library’s operating funds and promote growth and opportunity throughout the St. Charles County area.

There are many ways to give:

Our libraries are wonderful community resources, but like all resources, must be protected and supported to ensure their continued availability for all. We invite you to join us in investing in our Library, investing in our community.

Gift Acceptance Policy
For more information about how you can support the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation contact:

St. Charles City-County Library Foundation

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Please consider the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation in your will or trusts.

  • Leave a bequest to the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation in your will or trust
  • Designate the St. Charles City-County Library Foundation as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy or IRA
  • Write a P.O.D. provision with your CD’s, Savings Accounts, Brokerage Accounts and /or Checking Account
  • Receive A Charitable Gift Annuity
  • Create a Charitable remainder trust

Shop to Support Us!

The Library Foundation can benefit from your grocery shopping and online purchases!

Learn more about these three easy ways to give back to our libraries at no additional cost to you.